I started my day by cutting out posters (that I will hang up around town) to promote awareness of human trafficking and to give a number to call if you have any information. I cu
t thousands of posters. While this was tedious, it was important. I then continued my day by doing super cool stuff.
I watched two UNBELIEVABLE movies: Killing Us Softly 4 and Flirting with Danger. These movies were both educational documentaries about how women are advertised in media and the mixed messages that our society sends for women. Ads want women to be sex symbols but they also want women to be childish, virginal, and saint-like. Women are also constantly being objectified which makes them easier to abuse. In the ad below, the women is literally being represented as an object, a beer can.

Advertisements typically show men as strong and powerful creatures while women's body language is hunched over, leading to symbols of vulnerability and weakness.
In addition to this, women are consistently being told that their bodies are not good enough. Whether this is directly said by proposing surgery, dieting, and fasting, it is also said by the media's use of way-too-small and unhealthy female models. By having these ads everywhere, it is making their body type the "ideal" image to achieve although this is impossible for all women because NO ONE looks like the models advertised, not even themselves.
In addition to all of the interesting facts I learned in these films, I also had an independent project to work on today. I created a spreadsheet of different mobile apps that prevent violence. Some of these include: Circle of 6, StreetSafe, Hollaback!, and ShatterTheSilence. They are awesome and I highly recommend them. I can send you the spreadsheet if desired!
Cannot wait for more days of work. Tomorrow is my first day taking self defense classes and I am both nervous and excited!
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